A downloadable tool
Last updated Feb 26th, 2022. Online documentation available at Read the Docs.
Aseprite2Unity is a collection of C# Unity scripts that can automatically import Aseprite files directly into your Unity projects.
Like all my tools, Aseprite2Unity is meant to be simple to use: Simply save your *.ase or *.aseprite files into your Unity project. The scripts will import sprites and animation clips for you and create a prefab for you to place into your Unity scenes. That's it.
This tool is available using the pay-what-you-want-even-free model. However, donations (or a kind word) are always appreciated.
Note: Aseprite2Unity requires Unity 2018.3 or later.
(Aseprite is copyright 2019 David Capello)
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Aseprite Version 1.2.0Feb 27, 2022
- Aseprite Version 1.1.3Feb 21, 2022
- Aseprite Version 1.1.2Dec 02, 2019
- Aseprite Version 1.1.1Sep 02, 2019
- Aseprite2Unity Version 1.1.0Apr 08, 2019
- Aseprite2Unity Version 1.0.4Jan 15, 2019
- Aseprite Version 1.0.3Jan 14, 2019
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Amazing tool, streamlined my workflow amazingly. If I could make one suggestion, would it be possible to add a way for secondary textures to be imported, for things like normal maps? Perhaps by naming aseprite layers a certain way?
I would also love this
Wow, this plugin is great! everything is seamless!
Hi! I really appreciate your work, plugin works really good. I like how any changes in Aseprite files are just visible in game without any other work required. But I would like to ask, is there any way to add animation events using this plugin? I really missed that feature during my workflow with A2U and started doing some crazy workarounds to overcome that.
Woah, this is pretty rad! This seems to just... work somehow?
Great job, and thanks for making this! I'll play around with it a bit more, but I'm impressed enough that I'm seriously considering donating. (I want to play around with it a bit more, but this is a huge step up from what I had before.)
What's the license, btw? I get that it might be a little bit finicky, considering that you're working with Aseprite stuff, but I like tweaking Unity extensions when I need extra features. I just wanna make sure I won't be breaking any rules, etc.
Thanks for the tools。How can I rename the Animation clip?When I use the Unity of the Animator, it always give me prompt warning。
Thanks for the neat tool! It's really easy to drop in and use in my projects. However, there's this thing where if I rename an Aseprite file, like for example Table.ase, the Table.ase GameObjects in the scene have their positions reset all to 0 which is a little annoying. Is there any way possible you could fix it? That'd be awesome.
The key of this tool is that you just have to save the Aseprite file to instantly see changes ingame. It's awesome.
That being said, after toying with it, I'm missing a couple features, and I would like to share it with you to see your thoughts:
That's all. Thanks a lot for creating these amazing tools, and keep up the great work!
Hi there, Davitsu. Could you send me an example file containing the moving slice? I just want to make sure I'm understanding slices and how people may use them. Thanks. (email: sean@seanba.com)
Hey Sean, I sent you an email with all the information.
Thanks for considering these features!
Was this feature ever explored? I've been wondering if something such as this would even be possible.
THANK YOU. I got Aseprite and was upset when I exported a .png into unity and it looked like a bug smeared on a window. 12/10 you're the real mvp
lol, thanks for your encouraging comment.

BTW, the PNG you imported into Unity was probably using bilinear sampling and/or was using some form of compression. Unity likes to import textures that way be default which is bad news for us pixel-perfect kind of developers. If you ever find yourself in that situation again check these settings in the texture importer and hit 'Apply':
edit: Please read reply from comment of ZebulonPi. and also we are apologize for what Joel said before.
This free plugin is real Awesome!
but the Aseprite itself is bad. expensive! not free!! don't buy if you have no commitment about Aseprite.
And what an irony that Aseprite Official website itself has .org domain which means non-profit. but expect you to buy to be able to save file. ew! that's profit!!
I love this plugin and others from you.
but I hate not zero cost tools. like Aseprite one.
probably Aseprite was free, I think. but nowadays, you must buy!
Aseprite is open-source, but you have to know how to compile it in order to get it for free. If you want to get the latest version always updated you can buy it. It's very cheap.
Oh really, you should recheck their license again here.
NOw, I assume you are too busy to read the license so here is why Aseprite is bad idea according to the license:
So please watch your mouth before saying this tool is open source. look out their license!
Just because it is on e.g. GitHub, doesn't mean it guarantees Gratis, Open Source, and FULL VERSION spirit! some projects are pretty much (pardon my dirty mouth)... can-cer.
I hope you understand, that people can benefit the availability while forget and even refuse to take care for the people.
moral is, don't just care for yourself but the others as well.
You couldn't care less about devs... It's only 15$ for god sake. You sure pay a lot more for games or beers every month. What the hell. Aseprite is awesome, just buy it.
that's the trouble.
not all people like not $0 softwares. there are tools that are should have been trusted by professional like Blender for $0.
there numerous ways to develop softwares and be supported, such as donation or so.
also, moving from open source license into proprietary is treason! in our opinion, if they stop being humble, we will also cease our care.
oh yeah, because of this, there is LibreSprite which is last open source Aseprite build that was forked into an independent project. but there are only 25 commits ahead and way 2009 commits behind the original as of today.
Speaking about just $15, Yes I pay some softwares like Yamaha Musicsoft MIDIs, Games, or so. But of course they are not free so I cannot recklessly buy too many softwares. infact, I only have few games I bought with my own money, because prioritizing to waste money on games even useful utility is idiotic!
we must find way that will not waste our money but also has enough quality.
I know, Aseprite is awesome, but we lost it because they are not $0.
we also have seen similar treason like PartedMagic. we forced to move to SystemRescueCD.
in conclusion: not $0 = expensive! Switching to proprietary is one of the worst treason commited!
Not everybody can work for free, friend. Just because there's a tool you like, and the developers happen to want to get paid for their work, doesn't mean they're "evil", as you put it. Your world must be an interesting place... do you get arrested regularly for shoplifting?
hello, please read reply from comment ZebulonPi said. Come back to this project page and scroll down to our reply to ZebulonPi. we are apologize for what Joel had said previous year
dislikers are possibly aseprite teams!
you should try to compile Aseprite yourself!
Thanks mate for this helpful tool, wish you the best of luck!
Hi. Sorry for the late reply. You are welcome. It's indispensable. I find myself using it all the time. I just extended the expiration date on it.
I have a very complex aseprite file that I hand export for unity. Its a character doll that has dozens of layers for different pieces of equipment/hair. Will this be helpful to me?
Hi there, @lunarsignals. It should work. Any number of layers is supported as well as all the blending modes between them. However, it's always possible that users are trying to do something I haven't accounted for. If that's your case then report a bug to my github issues page and send me your file. I'll try my best to resolve any issues.